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Hi, and welcome! My name is Andrew Follmann Wyld (He/him/his), and I am a data scientist. I currently work for CleanChoice Energy, where I build models and ML infrastructure to support customer acquisiton and solar array facility siting.

I have a Masters Degree (2020) from the Department of Statistics and Data Science at Carnegie Mellon. I previously held a position at Thomson Reuters, working on anomaly detection using mixture models, ship detection on SAR imagery, and social network analysis. Prior to that I spent some time building experience with Residential Mortgage Backed Securities at The Oakleaf Group.

My undergraduate work was in mathematical economics at Oberlin College, with substantial coursework in psychology and politics. My undergraduate honors thesis explored the geographic distribution of urban public services, specifically sanitation and police expenditure in New York City

For more detail on my professional background, take a look at my resume

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I live in the Takoma/Manor Park, Washington D.C., with my wife Alex, our daughter Lassen and our two cats Mingus and Dizzie.

I am an everyday cyclist, as well as a cycle tourist when I find the time. I have three bikes at the moment, a ruby red ‘81 Schwinn Traveler converted to a city fixie, a ‘94 forest green Shogun Alpine GT for touring, and a middling hard tail aluminum mountain bike I don’t know enough about!

I’ve cycled down the West Coast from Canada to Mexico, around Northern Italy and Tuscany, and the length of the Blue Ridge Parkway, from Maryland through North Carolina, as well as other shorter tours in between.

Please drop me a line if you would like to connect!

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